
Brain Academy


Whatever happened to truth, reason and knowledge in this confusingly relativist, twitteresque and culturally jaded era
– it’s time to bring the ship around.  


Knowledge is an untamed beast. You read, you forget, you re-read, you forget you re-read. The 20 tabs that you meant to gush through eventually gets closed down and the spark to learn about the specific topics, might never return, alas!
The key to maintaining an interest is spelled context, order and patterns. Like everything, knowledge needs stability and routine to make sense, let alone to stick.

The aim with Brain Academy is to avail the power of knowledge and bring it to everyone’s pocket through technology and design. The idea is simple, the content rich and complex. “Ever heard of Wikipedia?” you might ask and the answer is yes. Yes we have. But this is quite different.

With Brain Academy you get a unique chance to domesticate and categorise your personal hotchpotch of information, scattered throughout your brain. Via an array of organisational tools such as category based personal libraries, the app also guides you in certain directions that make sense. Every search will generate tips and recommendations to further your reading on a topic or person.

You can never know too much – let the adventure begin!  

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The search function allows you to explore the database freely – both within your own library and the app library – whilst liking, saving and keeping all subjects neatly organised in custom-made collections.

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